Thursday, November 25, 2010


My first turkey day and I am already bigger than the wonderful smoked turkeys Pops cooked for the family gatherings.

I started my day at my Debbies, I love her so much!! We visited while Pops sliced the turkey and helped her finish her side dishes. I can't wait for Debbie to learn me how to cook!!

Then it was off to Popa and Nanny's house to see Anna Doll and my cousins!! My Popa Rocks!!

Mommy, Anna Doll, and Nanny made the bestest lunch ever!!! Thank u! I Love You All Soo Much!!

Evan and Olivia playing Lego Battlefield on DS!! Man BIG KID toys look like a whole lot of fun!!

My Nanny loves me so much!! Thanks for all the smiles and laughs we had today!!

Mason and I finally get to meet after all these months!! I pooped on him! He-he-he!

I had to wash my thanksgiving day outfit. Lets just say we had a gastric explosion, yeah I think that sums it up!!

My sisters are the bestest ever!!
I think I want to slober on them!

Carter was very funny, he made me laugh buches!! Can't wait to droll on him again soon.

My mommy fed me my first bite.. banana... Mmm-Mmm so good I ate a 1/3 of an whole banana and loved it from first bite!! Thanks Pops for making my first meal. I look forward to many more from Moomy and you!! Bestest parents EVER!!

Oops! We had a crash landing with the spoon plane.

We went to Popsie & Gi Gi's house next and had a whole lot of fun playing with my other cousins!!

My Auntie E was protecting me from "Pigpen"
, but all he wanted to do was love on me and say "Baabbyy". We are going to make some messes together someday!!

It was great seeing everyone this turkey day!! I can't wait until Christmas so I can see EVERYONE again!! Thank you all for such a great first Thanksgiving. I will post my Wish List Soon.......

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